Mentor the receptive ones

Not everyone is going to be receptive to hearing your brilliant thoughts, your ideas or learning your skills. No matter how much you believe how beneficial it can be for them. If they’re not open to receiving it, nothing will get through no matter what. That’s just how it is.

In fact, many of us realize once our kids get to a certain age that they are not interested in our insights, learnings and thoughts that we thought we would be transferring to them so they don’t have to go through the same hardships and failures we went through. Many of the times they’re just not receptive or open to them.

It breaks your heart when you feel you have so much wisdom and skills you want to pass on to your next of kin but either they’re not ready yet or they just don’t have interest in learning from You specifically.

This happens to the rich folks as well as poor ones. Powerful businessmen and those working at a 9 to 5 job. Elite athletes as well as those who don’t have an athletic bone in their body. No matter where you fall in the spectrum and who you are, chances are this will happen to you also to some degree.

So what do you do? Do you force your insights, your wisdom, your skills and aptitude to those who are not receptive? You’re just going to end up pushing them away and waste your time in the process.

This is where we have to remember that there’s always someone out there who is ready to receive the wisdom and skills that you have to share. In fact, out of the almost 8 billion humans that exist on Earth right now, there will be many people out there who can benefit from what you have to share and are ready to receive your wisdom.

So share away. It can be as easy as answering people’s questions online – forums, blogs, social media, commenting on articles, etc. Or if you are really driven, join an organization or start your own.

Whatever you do, just try not to leave this earth without leaving your pearls of wisdom scattered behind you for others to pick up.

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