Your own personal AI

10 years after the movie Her was released (2013) in which a guy named Theodore falls in love with his AI Samantha voiced by Scarlett Johansson, I’m seeing the beginning of this era where we’re going to be interacting with our own personal AI everywhere – and possibly falling in love with it as well.

Recently ChatGPT released the voice enabled version in which you can just speak naturally to your AI. It is freakily good. The only thing that’s missing is that the data it has is from 2022 and earlier

But everything else about this interaction is extremely similar to what was imagined in that Her movie 10 years ago.

This gives us a glimpse of where we are headed as humanity. Not long from now we will start seeing people with their white AirPod in their ear having a conversation, not with another person, but with their AI.

Talking naturally like you were talking to your family or friend. Divulging information that you would only tell someone close to you.

It’s a pretty exciting time, but it’s concerning at the same time.

What effect will this have on us as humans?

Where will all this data end up?

Once you’re able to have these conversations with your own personal AI that understands you, why would you want to have conversations with other humans?

Humans are judgmental. They have their flaws. Each human has specific unique qualities. We are all very far from perfect and have our own individual personalities.

AI on the other hand is not judgmental. You can even tailor it in a way that suits best for you so it only guides and advises you on things you care about. And when you don’t want to hear from it, guess what, you can turn it off.

The genie is out of the bottle. The AI revolution that ChatGPT started in November 2022 is going to change the world as we know it. Whether we like it or not, the age of AI is here to stay.

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