Repeat yourself

People who produce content whether it be the written word or multimedia worry needlessly that they might be repeating themselves. That they might have created the similar type of content before and their audience is going to call them out on it.

So what if you have created similar content with some of the same words or images? Repetition is not all that bad is it?

Let’s take musicians for example. When they go from location to location to conduct their performances, do the fans want to hear new songs or do they want to hear what they potentially have heard hundreds of times already – their top hits?

When you talk to a life coach about your current happenings and challenges, how many times do they tell you Earth shattering things compared to the times where they remind you or reframe things that you already know?

How many books have you read which consisted of completely new ideas and did not borrow from books that came before them?

I’m not even going to answer the above questions because I think you are smart enough to know the answers.

The point is: it’s okay to repeat yourself. The important stuff is worth repeating.

So go out and create your masterpieces. Don’t be afraid of the naysayers or critics. You create content for your audience and your audience will appreciate it. That’s all that matters anyway.

Step out of the line

There was an experiment that was conducted in Las Vegas where they put up ropes like you see in a line. No sign, no instruction, no promise of a reward or anything. Just the set of velvet ropes where in between a line can potentially form.

Well guess what… a line did form.

First, one person got in line. Then another and then another. Before you knew it, there was a long row of people just standing in line.

The people who were conducting this experiment went over to the folks in line and asked him: what are you in the line for? Some people were honest and said they didn’t know, but there must be something so that’s why they were in line to see what they get. Other people just started making stuff up – talking up the imaginary things they are waiting for. They were imagining rewards and free things that did not exist. They didn’t want to seem foolish so it was okay in their mind to make stuff up. And guess what, others around them started believing it also when they heard it and now many of them had varying imaginary rewards in their minds that they were waiting for even though there was no sign or promise of that reward anywhere to be found.

What are you going to do?

Are you also going to stand in line?

Even if you’re not sure if you will ever get rewarded for the wait?

Standing in a line like that is much like following the wisdom of the crowd. There’s a potential for a reward. But there’s also an equal potential for disappointment at the end of the line. If you don’t know what you are waiting in line for, I would suggest stepping out of the line and forging your own path.

Why college is Not a waste of time

When I was in college, I often used to wonder if I was going to ever use the things I was learning at an actual job. Things like the Fortran programming language or differential equations or organic chemistry.

I had a strong feeling that I would probably never see any of these things ever again after I graduated. My suspicions were correct. I never did see those things in the real world.

So was college a waste of time for me and others who never use more than 90% of the actual content taught in classes?

The answer is a resounding No. College is Not a waste of time.

Let me explain.

Following are the reasons in my mind of why I think everyone who can afford to do so should go to college.


Learning to interact with others

College is a social affair. You are often learning and interacting within teams. That type of interaction, hopefully in person but even virtual is better than nothing, is a necessity to be able to learn how to interact with others in the real world. I’m not saying that learning by yourself is not necessary, it definitely is, but collaborative learning and interaction in a social setting is equally important to understand and be able to relate with others.


Networking with people

Building on the last point, when you are learning alongside others, you’re making connections with them at a deeper level. You are automatically understanding what makes people tick and what ticks them off 😊.

You will most probably see the same types of personalities that you see in college and the real world as well. No doubt you will run into a Susan in your career that will remind you of Liz back in college or a John at a work social event who will sound eerily similar to a Michael who was in your chemistry class. These things are a given. On top of that, if you are lucky enough to go to a prestigious school with really ambitious people then chances are that the connection with these people will by itself give you an upper hand within your career by helping you get the right introductions or that lucrative contract which requires a level of trust in the individual and not just a competence of the company they represent.


Learning how to learn

Learning by itself is an art. There is automatic learning by consuming things from our surroundings. And then there is intentional learning. The intentional type of learning is a skill that we learn in school. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about memorization. I don’t really call that learning. That’s much more like ingesting stuff that you are supposed to be able to regurgitate when the need arises. I’m not fond of that type of “learning”.

The learning that I’m referring to here is how to teach your mind to break down information and to consume it in a manner that brings clarity and focus. That’s the type of learning that is crucial in the real world, in our careers as well as our relationships.


Building capacity to learn

When you want to tone or enlarge your bodily muscles, you work out.

Now while your brain is not a muscle (it’s an organ), I do believe that we need to work out our brain on a consistent basis for it to not become dormant and also for it to stretch its boundaries. If we believe that different different parts of our brain controls different things like appreciation for the arts, mathematical calculations, empathy for others, understanding of our surroundings and the cosmos, all of which has been proven that brain different parts of our brain do these things, then we owe it to ourselves to stretch boundaries of each of these areas and to grow in each direction.

When we are exposed to different subjects in college or in any schooling for that matter, that’s exactly what is happening. It is stretching our mind in all different directions. Music, physical education, math, english, science, critical reasoning, etc.

All that stuff stretches your mind and gets you ready to accept new information in those areas.

All throughout our lives, we have new information that we are exposed to whether we like it or not. If we don’t have the capacity in our brain to understand what information is helpful and what is not, what we should be paying attention to and what we should be ignoring, what we need to be diving deep inside, we will flail through life getting pushed by others who make decisions for us. And that’s not a good way to live our lives. We deserve better.


So persevere through college. Don’t believe that it’s a waste of time. It’s helping you get ready for the rest of your life.

And hey, enjoy your summers off because once you get into the real world, there ain’t no such thing as a summer vacation πŸ˜ƒ.

Prevent your second death

Do you remember your great great great grandfather or grandmother?


Do you have a living relative who remembers them?

If not, do you have your pictures or any writing from them or anything else that would tell you, remind you of who they were?

Still no?

Then did they actually exist?

Of course! If they didn’t, you would not be here right?

So how come nobody has any information about them?

That’s what I call the second death. When the last living person that remembered them passes away or The last artifact evidencing their existence vanishes.

I’m sorry to break it to you, but chances are that You will be forgotten as well.

What if you want to be remembered?

What if you want your life to matter?

Is there anything that’s in your hand that you can do?


Make a lasting impact. Make your mark on this world or someone in this world. The more effort you put into helping others, helping the world and making your impact, the greater the chances that you will be remembered and that your life will matter to the generations to come.

Happiness before success

It’s a common assumption for most of us that we will be happy once we achieve success – financial or otherwise.

Even though this sounds logical, this is a myth.

Success is the result of happiness, happiness is not the result of success.

Being happy and joyful is in our hands today, right now, regardless of the forces that are acting upon us and around us externally. Our own body and mind is a closed system that we have the ability to control.

Let’s take the first step to achieve contentment, happiness and satisfaction. Not by allowing other people or other things around us to create that effect but intentionally creating it ourselves. By being happy, you will create happiness around you. And then success will follow.

Don’t let a crisis go to waste

Where others see calamity, you can choose to see opportunity.

At the turn of the century in the year 2000, there was a dotcom bubble. Everyone was investing in anything that was dotcom.

The bubble burst. The peak came crashing down to become a valley. However, after that, slowly but surely the world changed completely with technology companies paving the way.

Then there was the real estate bubble in 2008, where once again the real estate marketing market collapsed cuz of unrealistic market exuberance about all types of real estate equities, good and bad, that were bundled together and sold.

The market fell off the cliff once again into a deep valley but once again the market regulated itself and slowly but surely real estate around the country gained value.

Same thing happened to crypto like Bitcoin, Ethereum and so forth. Started very slow, reached ridiculous heights, came crashing down and now it’s on its way up slowly.

I believe this is the lifetime curve of any new shiny thing.

Now there’s this third bubble that’s bursting. This bubble is induced by the pandemic – COVID-19.

All the companies that were made essential overnight to deal with the pandemic got over hyped. Zoom, Peloton, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Snapchat, Apple, Netflix, etc. Anything and everything that facilitated our new pandemic forced remote lifestyle and workstyle went straight up into a very high and unsustainable peak. Obviously that was not sustainable over the long term so much of that came crashing down in early 2022.

It is true that the bubble is currently bursting but that does not mean that these companies and their products and services have stopped adding value. The market is just regulating itself like it always does.

Now going forward all of these companies will be making a comeback since all of them have amazing products and a great foothold already in the market. They will follow the same new shiny thing lifetime curve as we have seen in the year 2000 and then 2008.

The question for us now is how do we all capitalize on it. Here are the things I believe we should be thinking of in the front of our minds to capitalize on:

  • Remote and hybrid technologies
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • The promise of the metaverse
  • Innovative technologies that enhance work and play remotely

Let’s see how things play out.

Poi for the mind

When I went on my honeymoon to Maui, Hawaii, we went to a luau – a Hawaiian feast with live music and cultural dances.

I remember when they were serving various dishes at the luau, they encouraged us to eat poi in the middle of each dish.

I had no idea at that time what the heck poi was and why would I eat that before eating the next dish?

That’s when I found out that they were encouraging us to eat poi as a palate cleanser in-between dishes so we could taste each dish separately and not have the tastes all mixed up going from one to the other.

I believe a poi for the mind is needed as well going from one activity to another. Especially in the world we live in going from one online meeting to another, if we don’t give our brain some form of poi in the middle, it all runs together and it would be very hard to give the right attention to each event much less to consume and be productive at the event.

My favorite forms of mental poi are the following:

  • Taking a nap or at least closing my eyes for a few seconds focusing on my breathing
  • Going for a short walk if there’s enough time
  • Few minutes of exercise

I’m sure you can find your own mental poi that will help you reset and refresh in-between activities.

For many of us who are working from home, it is now more important than ever to introduce an intentional dose of poi between our mentally taxing events.

Why write when you can use AI to do it?

Since I’ve discovered the Open AI technology, I’ve been asking myself this question:

Should I still be racking my brain writing content or should I just let AI spit out the content and just paste the responses into my article…? πŸ€”

It’s definitely very tempting.

However, if you think about it, getting Open AI or a similar technology to write for you is the same thing as getting someone else to write for you. The main differences of course are that it’s free and it’s faster.

So in that respect, things have not changed as much and now we are just outsourcing to artificial intelligence instead of someone else’s human intelligence.

Also, in my own case, I’m not a professional writer by any means. And my reasons for writing are different than most. I write to:

1) Document my thoughts, feelings and any other information I would like to externalize in some form and not leave it inside my head

2) Exercise my brain


Yes, I definitely feel that the process of writing massages and exercises my brain which I very very much appreciate.

Neither of these things can be done with any AI that I’m aware of. At least not yet 😊.



Compassion starts with the Self

Give yourself permission to be selfish.

I believe that compassion does not start at home as the famous saying goes. Compassion starts with ‘the self’.

Only when you put your own oxygen mask on first that you can help others around you. Otherwise you will eventually run out of oxygen helping others and be useful to no one. You owe it to yourself, your family and friends and the world to be self-compassionate.

Take care of your inner and outer self and you’ll find the energy, willingness and drive to help others.



You are the center of your universe

The title might sound selfish but it’s true. You are the center of your universe. Emphasis on “Your” ☺️.

The question now is: are you going to be passive and let forces and people around you influence and impact you or are you going to be proactive and impact them instead?

Most people do the former because it’s easier to go with the flow. If they are surrounded with positive energies and people then the benefit from that or vice versa, if this round themselves with negativity and people who are always down, then that’s what they absorb.

The alternative to absorption is creation obviously. But as we all know, that is always more difficult to pull off because it requires initial momentum which is hard to conjure up for most of us.

So what are you going to do? Are you going to be creating content, information, and spreading goodness in the world from your core or are you going to let people and circumstance and things that encircle you act upon you and make an impression on you The way they want?

You can be the receiver or the producer.

The choice is yours.